
JSwarm-PSO is a Particle swarm optimization package written in Java. PSO is an optimization technique used to find global optimum for complex problems. Roughly stated, it's in the same 'category' as Genetic algorithms or Simmilated annealing. If you don't know what PSO is, I recommend you to start reading wikipedia's definition. JSwarm-PSO is designed to require minimum effort to use while also highly modular.

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Optimization example

This example tries to minimize Rastrigin's function which has infinie local minimum and maximum. You can run the example just typing the command (on unix like enviroments):
java -jar jswarm-pso_VERSION.jar
On Windows it sohuld be enough to just double click on jar file.

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How to optimize your own function / model

This is a simple description of the code you'll find in jswarm-pso.example1:

  • Create your own Fitness function. It must derive from jswarm_pso.FitnessFunction and custom evaluate method must be created.
    import jswarm_pso.FitnessFunction;
    public class MyFitnessFunction extends FitnessFunction {
    	public double evaluate(double position[]) { 
    		return position[0] + position[1]; 

  • Create your own particle derived from jswarm_pso.Particle
    import jswarm_pso.Particle;
    public class MyParticle extends Particle {
    	// Create a 2-dimentional particle
    	public MyParticle() { super(2); } 

  • Cerate a Swarm and evolve for a few iterations (use your favourite stop criteria)
    // Create a swarm (using 'MyParticle' as sample particle 
    // and 'MyFitnessFunction' as finess function)
    Swarm swarm = new Swarm(Swarm.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PARTICLES
    		, new MyParticle()
    		, new MyFitnessFunction());
    // Set position (and velocity) constraints. 
    // i.e.: where to look for solutions
    // Optimize a few times
    for( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) swarm.evolve();
    // Print en results

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Usuall / Deafult settings

Optimization type:

  • FitnessFunction.setMaximize(): [Deafult: true]
    • true if you want to maximize your fitness function,
    • false if you want to minimize it.
Particle's velocity update (to understand next settings, you'll probably need to read "Particle position and velocity update")
  • Swarm.globalIncrement: Increment used to update particle's velocity towards global best position. [Default value: 0.9];
  • Swarm.inertia: Particle's inertia (to keep prior velocity). [Default: 1.0]
  • Swarm.particleIncrement: Increment used to update particle's velocity towards local best position. [Default value: 0.9];
Position restrictions (these restrictions must always be setted):
  • Swarm.maxPosition[]: Maximum possible position for each dimention (restricts where the particles can move)
  • Swarm.minPosition[]: Minumum possible position for each dimention (restricts where the particles can move)
Velocity restrictions:
  • Swarm.maxVelocity[]: Maximum possible velocity for each dimention (restricts how fast the particle can move)
  • Swarm.minVelocity[]: Minumum possible velocity for each dimention (restricts how fast the particle can move with negative speed).
    • Warning: this setting should be minVelocity[i] = - maxVelocity[i], except on very strange optimization problems.

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Particle position and velocity update

Each time the swarm evolves, updates every particle's position and velocity (see jswarm-pso.Particle.update() for details).
Particle's position is updated (for each dimention i):
// Update position
position[i] = position[i] + velocity[i]

While particle's velocity is updated (for each dimention i):
// Update velocity
velocity[i] = inertia * velocity[i] // Inertia
		+ rlocal[i] * particleIncrement * (bestPosition[i] - position[i]) // Local best
		+ rglobal[i] * globalIncrement * (globalBestPosition[i] - position[i]); // Global best

where rlocal[i] and rglobal[i] are two random vectors, uniformly distributted on the interval [0,1].

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Author: Pablo Cingolani (pcingola@users.sourceforge.net)
Key words (for search engines):
swarm optimization
java swarm optimization
particle swarm optimization
java particle swarm optimization
java PSO